2021 | [Un]Grounding: Post-foundational geographies. Wiesbaden: transcript, co-edited with Friederike Landau & Nikolai Roskamm. 346 pages. Contributors: Friederike Landau, Lucas Pohl & Nikolai Roskamm (Introduction); Lucas Pohl & Erik Swyngedouw; Jens Kaae Fisker; Nikolai Roskamm; Oliver Marchart; Matthew G. Hannah; Mark Davidson & Kurt Iveson; Friederike Landau; Clint Burnham; Lucas Pohl & Paul Kingsbury; Tomas Martilla; Gabu Heidl & Drehli Robnik; Anneleen Kenis & Matthias Lievens; Sören Groth; Mohamed Saleh; Daniel Mullis. Reviews: International Journal of Urban and Regional Research (Bettina Engels); sub\urban. zeitschrift für kritische stadtforschung (Valerie Scheibenpflug); Geographica Helvetica (Dominik Winkler); Urban Studies Book Review Symposium (Lazaros Karaliotas, Joe Blakey, Matina Kapsali und Nicola Guy) |
Journal articles
2024 | Apocalyptic nothingness: Lacks, holes, and the limits of the geographical imagination. Social & Cultural Geography: online first. |
2024 | Geographies of the impossible. Dialogues in Human Geography 14(2): 366-370. |
2023 | Towards a post-foundational geography: Spaces of negativity, contingency and antagonism. Progress in Human Geography: online first, with Friederike Landau-Donnelly. |
2023 | Enjoying climate change: Jouissance as a political factor. Political Geography 101: online first, with Erik Swyngedouw. |
2023 | “What does not work in the world”: The specter of Lacan in critical political thought. Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory 24(1): 1-19, with Erik Swyngedouw. |
2023 | Geopolitical caesuras as time-space-anchors of ontological (in)security: The case of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Geopolitics 28: 392-415, with Carolin Genz, Ilse Helbrecht & Janina Dobusskin. |
2022 | Gebaute Umwelten als Objekte des Begehrens [Built environments as objects of desire]. Kommentar zu Jan Hutta und Nina Schuster „Infrastrukturen städtischer Intimität“. sub\urban. zeitschrift für kritische stadtforschung 10(2/3): 157-169. |
2022 | Imaginäre Naturverhältnisse: Psychoanalytische Einsichten zur Herstellung ontologischer Sicherheit in Berlin, Vancouver und Singapur [Imaginary nature relations: Psychoanalytic insights on the production of ontological security in Berlin, Vancouver, and Singapore]. Geographica Helvetica 77: 389-401, with Ilse Helbrecht. |
2022 | The empty city: COVID-19 and the apocalyptic imagination. CITY: Analysis of Urban Change, Theory, Action 26(4): 706-722. |
2022 | Need for shelter, demand for housing, desire for home: a psychoanalytic reading of home-making in Vancouver. Housing Studies 37(9): 1650-1668, with Carolin Genz, Ilse Helbrecht & Janina Dobrusskin. |
2022 | The love of nature: Imaginary environments and the production of ontological security in postnatural times. Geo: Geography and Environment 9: e00106, with Ilse Helbrecht. |
2022 | Decentering the subject, psychoanalytically: Researching imaginary spacings through image-based interviews. The Professional Geographer 74(9): 540-548, with Ilse Helbrecht. |
2022 | Aura of decay: Fetishizing ruins with Benjamin and Lacan. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 47(1): 153-166. |
2021 | Ruins as pieces of the Real: Images of a post-apocalyptic present. Geoforum 127: 198-208. |
2021 | The sublime object of Detroit. Social & Cultural Geography 22(8): 1063–1079. |
2021 | Ruined museums: Exploring post-foundational spatiality. ephemera: theory & politics in organization 21(1): 197-228, with Friederike Landau. |
2020 | Ruins of Gaia: Towards a feminine ontology of the Anthropocene. Theory, Culture & Society: 37(6): 67-86. |
2020 | Object-disoriented geographies: The Ghost Tower of Bangkok and the topology of anxiety. cultural geographies: 27(1): 71-84. |
2019 | Das urbane Unbewusste: Psychoanalyse und kritische Stadtforschung [The urban unconscious: Psychoanalysis and critical urban studies]. sub\urban. zeitschrift für kritische stadtforschung 7(3): 47-64. |
2019 | Hegel and the shadow of materialist geographies. ACME – An International Journal for Critical Geographers 18(2): 285-307. [translated into Spanish in: Narváez León, Ángelo, Vargas Muñoz, Roberto & Ivo Gasic Klett (2022) (eds.): Capital y dominación social. Hacia una crítica de la economía política del espacio. Chile: Ediciones Universidad Alberto Hurtado: 121-159]. |
2018 | Die unsterbliche Stadt: Das Unbehagen in den Wolkenkratzern von Detroit [The Immortal City: Uneasiness in the skscrapers of Detroit]. dérive 70: 13-18. |
2017 | Kunst des Gehens: Taktiken im Ort des Automobils [The art of walking: Tactics at the place of the automobile]. sub\urban. zeitschrift für kritische stadtforschung 5(1/2): 257-266, with Sören Groth & Jakob Hebsaker. |
2016 | Social protest and its policing in the “Heart of the European Crisis Regime”: The case of Blockupy in Frankfurt, Germany. Political Geography 55: 50-59, with Daniel Mullis, Bernd Belina, Tino Petzold & Sebastian Schipper. |
Chapters in edited volumes
2025 | Endgames: Enjoying crisis. In: Marcel Wissenburg & Amanda Machin (eds.): Handbook of Environmental Political Theory in the Anthropocene. Cheltenham: Elgar: in press, with Erik Swyngedouw. |
2024 | Die Hölle ist hier: Zur Gegenwart und Geographie der Klimakatastrophe. In: Martin Böhnert, Annika Rink & Maria Weber (eds.): Apokalypse und Apathie. Bielefeld: transcript: in press. |
2024 | Uneven coastal geographies: Sea level rise and contested urban future-making in Bangkok. In: Monika Grubbauer, Alessandra Manganelli & Louis Volont (eds.): Conflicts in Urban Future-Making. Bielefeld: transcript: in press. |
2024 | Practising post-foundationalism: Encountering conflict and contingency in pandemic everyday life. In: Friederike Landau-Donnelly, Hanna Carlsson & Arnoud Largendijk (eds.): Reflecting on Practices: New Directions for Spatial Theories. New York: Agenda Publishing: 89-106, with Friederike Landau-Donnelly. |
2021 | The catastrophic drive. In: Doug Specht & Earl Harper (eds.): Imagining Apocalyptic Politics in the Anthropocene. London: Routledge: 142-157, with Samo Tomšič. |
2021 | Rem(a)inders of loss: A Lacanian approach to new urban ruins. In: Cian O’Callaghan & Cesare Di Feliciantonio (eds.): The New Urban Ruins: Vacancy, urban politics, and international experiments in the post-crisis city. Bristol: Policy Press: 21-34. |
2021 | The World and the Real: Space and the political after Lacan. In: Friederike Landau, Lucas Pohl & Nikolai Roskamm (eds.): [Un]Grounding: Post-foundational geographies. Bielefeld: transcript: 43-62, with Erik Swyngedouw |
2021 | The most sublime geographer: Žižek with place, distance, and scale. In: Friederike Landau, Lucas Pohl & Nikolai Roskamm (eds.): [Un]Grounding: Post-foundational geographies. Bielefeld: transcript: 197-216, with Paul Kingsbury |
2021 | Ontological security, globalization and the geographical Imagination. In: Angela Million, Christian Haid, Ignacio Castillo Ulloa & Nina Baur (eds.): Spatial Transformations: The effect of mediatization, mobility and social dislocation on the re-figuration of spaces. London: Routledge, with Ilse Helbrecht, Janina Dobrusskin & Carolin Genz. |
2021 | Imaginationen der Globalisierung [Imaginaries of Globalization]. In: Martina Löw, Volkan Sayman, Jona Schwerer & Hannah Wolf (eds.): Am Ende der Globalisierung. Bielefield: transcript: 307-336, with Ilse Helbrecht, Janina Dobrusskin & Carolin Genz. |
2021 | Localizing the void: From material to immaterial materialism. In: Paul Kingsbury & Anna Secor (eds.) A Place More Void. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press: 285-301. |
2018 | Architectural enjoyment: Lefebvre and Lacan. In: Ilan Kapoor (eds.): Psychoanalysis and the Global. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press: 142-163. |
2017 | Blockupy fights back: Global city formation in Frankfurt am Main after the Financial Crisis. In: Xuefei Ren & Roger Keil (eds.): The Globalizing Cities Reader. London: Routledge, with Sebastian Schipper, Tino Petzold, Daniel Mullis & Bernd Belina. |
2017 | Imaginary politics of the branded city: Right-wing terrorism as a mediated object of stigmatization. In: Paul Kirkness & Andreas Tijé-Dra (eds.): Negative Neighbourhood Reputation and Place Attachment: The production and contestation of territorial stigma. London: Routledge: 27-41. |
2015 | Wie ein toter Wal: Zur Sprengung des AfE-Turms und der Unmöglichkeit urbaner Monstrosität [Like A Dead Whale: The demolition of the AfE-Tower and the impossibility of urban monstrosity]. In: Minna-Kristiina Ruokonen-Engler, Lucas Pohl, Anna Dichtl, Jessica Lütgens & David Schommer (eds.): Turmgeschichten: Raumerfahrung und -aneignung im AfE-Turm. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot: 144-159. |
2014 | Die Möglichkeit von Irrelevanz: Zur stadtpolitischen Auseinandersetzung um selbstverwaltete (Frei-)Räume am Beispiel des „Instituts für vergleichende Irrelevanz“ in Frankfurt am Main [The Possibility of Irrelevance: On the urban policies about autonomous spaces – the case of the „Institut für vergleichende Irrelevanz“ in Frankfurt]. In: Susanne Heeg & Marit Rosol (eds.): Gebaute Umwelt. Aktuelle stadtpolitische Konflikte in Frankfurt am Main und Offenbach. Frankfurt: Forum Humangeographie: 81-97, with Franziska Vaessen. |
2013 | Verräumlichung von Stigmatisierungsdiskursen: Zur städtischen Problematisierung von Rechtsextremismus am Beispiel der „Zwickauer Terrorzelle“ [The Spatialization of Discourses about Stigmatization: On the urban problematization of right-wing extremism – the case of the „Zwickauer Terrorzelle“]. In: Helmut Kellershohn & Paul Jobst (eds.): Der Kampf um Räume. Neoliberale und extrem rechte Konzepte von Hegemonie und Expansion. Münster: Unrast: 58-74. |
Edited special issues
in progress | Apocalyptic anxieties. Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society, with Hilda Fernandez. in progress. |
in progress | Geographien des Tötens und Sterbenlassens. Social Geography, with Jan Simon Hutta. in progress. |
2024 | Nekropolis: Stadt und Tod. sub\urban. zeitschrift für kritische stadtforschung, with Johanna Hoerning. |
2018 | Detroit. dérive: Zeitschrift für Stadtforschung (70). |
Miscellaneous works (Book reviews, Encyclopedia entries, Editorials, etc.)
2024 | Die Ränder städtischen Lebens: Sterben in der Biopolis. Eine Replik und ein Aufruf. sub\urban. zeitschrift für kritische stadtforschung, with Johanna Hoerning. |
2024 | Thanatostadtforschung: Aufruf zu einer Debatte des Verhältnisses von Stadt, Sterben und Tod. sub\urban. zeitschrift für kritische stadtforschung, with Johanna Hoerning. |
2024 | Kampf an den Rändern: Urbane Politische Ökologien und externalisierte Desaster [translated into English: Struggles at the Margins: Urban Political Ecologies and Externalized Disasters]. Berliner Gazette. |
2024 | The impossible and its vicissitudes. Dialogues in Human Geography. online first. |
2024 | Affect and geography. In: Barney Warf (ed.): The Encyclopedia of Human Geography. Basel: Springer: 1-5, with Jan Simon Hutta. |
2024 | The world as abject: On less-than-human geographies. Book review forum “The World as Abyss”. Dialogues in Human Geography: 1-3. |
2023 | What’s the matter with the unconscious? Dialogues in Human Geography. online first. |
2023 | Psychoanalytic geographies. In: Loretta Lees & David Demeritt (eds.): Concise Encyclopedia of Human Geography. Cheltenham: Elgar: 307–311. |
2023 | Book review: Decay and Afterlife: Form, Time, and the Textuality of Ruins by Aleksandra Prica. The German Quarterly. |
2021 | Introduction. In: Friederike Landau, Lucas Pohl & Nikolai Roskamm (eds.): [Un]Grounding: Post-foundational geographies. Bielefeld: transcript: 9-40, with Friederike Landau & Nikolai Roskamm. |
2020 | Book review: Promises of the Political: Insurgent Cities in a Post-Political Environment by Erik Swyngedouw. sub\urban. zeitschrift für kritische stadtforschung 8(1/2): 287-292. |
2020 | Psychoanalysis. In: Audrey Kobayashi (eds.): International Encyclopedia of Human Geography. Second Edition. Volume 11. Amsterdam: Elsevier: 61-64. |
2018 | Book review: Curated Decay: Heritage beyond Saving by Caitlin DeSilvey. Canadian Geographer 62(4): e26-e27. |
2018 | Eine Stadt im Zerfall: Vorwort zum Schwerpunkt Detroit [A Crumbling City: Foreword to the special issue on Detroit]. dérive 70: 4-5. |
2018 | Jenseits der Erfolgsgeschichten: Ein Gespräch zwischen Margit Mayer und Ingrid LaFleur [Beyond Success Stories: An interview with Margit Mayer and Ingrid LaFleur]. Detroit-Berlin: Once Circle: 6-9. |
2018 | Book review: Die unbesetzte Stadt. Postfundamentalistisches Denken und das urbanistische Feld by Nikolai Roskamm. Geographica Helvetica 73: 75-77 |
2022 | Slavoj Žižek: Schrägsicht: Lacan mit Populärkultur – eine Einführung. Frankfurt: Neue Deutsch-Französische Jahrbücher [German translation of Looking Awry: An Introduction to Jacques Lacan through Popular Culture. Cambridge: MIT Press]. |