I’m a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Geography at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin since March 2023. Before, I worked at HafenCity University in Hamburg as part of the Research Training Group Urban Future-Making (2021-2022) and conducted research at the Collaborative Research Centre Re-Figuration of Spaces at Technical University Berlin (2020-2021).
I received my Ph.D. (2020) from the Department of Human Geography at Goethe University in Frankfurt. In my dissertation, I develop a psychoanalytically-inspired approach to urban ruination and post-crisis urban everyday life. By focusing on two prominent ruins in Bangkok and Detroit, I analyze how ruins become both fantasmatic rem(a)inders of a world before crisis. The results of my Ph.D. have been published in four journal articles in cultural geographies, Social & Cultural Geography, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers and Theory, Culture & Society.
As part of my work at the Collaborative Research Centre Re-Figuration of Spaces (CRC 1265), I was part of a larger research team led by Prof. Dr. Ilse Helbrecht. Together, we investigated geographical imaginations of security and insecurity. The joint research project was concerned with how people maintain a sense of security in uncertain times, for instance, via notions of home-making, geopolitical positionings, and experiences of nature, and focused on a comparative study of the three cities of Singapore, Vancouver and Berlin. The results of this research project have been published in a couple of journal articles, for instance, in The Professional Geographer, Geo: Geography and Environment, Housing Studies, Geographica Helvetica and Geopolitics.
While working in Berlin, I started preparing a new project focusing on the entanglements of the urban-ecological crisis and apocalyptic imaginaries. I examined the emblematic role of „the ruin“ as a symbol for the end times, published in Geoforum, as well as „the empty city“ as an image for the (Covid)-Apocalypse, published in City. Together with Erik Swyngedouw, I am furthermore currently engaged in the elaboration of a psychoanalytically-inspired approach to the climate crisis. We have published first results on this matter in Political Geography. As part of this focus, I am currently working on a new research project that engages with the impact of sea level rise on urban living conditions in the Bangkok metropolitan region to trace how changing climatic conditions affect everyday life and urban politics in this social context. The project is associated with the DFG-funded Research Training Group on Urban Future-Making (RTG 2725) at HafenCity University.
I’m part of the editorial board of the Palgrave journal Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society und member of the editorial collective of sub\urban – zeitschrift für kritische stadtforschung.

Curriculum Vitae
02.2024 – 04.2024 | Hallsworth Visiting Professor, University of Manchester, Manchester |
since 03.2023 | Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Geography, Cultural and Social Geography, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin |
since 04.2022 | Associate Member, Research Training Group Urban Future-Making, HafenCity University, Hamburg |
04.2022 – 02.2023 | Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Urban Planning, History and Theory of the City, HafenCity University, Hamburg |
01.2022 – 03.2022 | Guest Lecturer, Department of Geography, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin |
10.2020 – 03.2022 | Grant Holder Manager, EU COST Action Project: Dynamics of Placemaking and Digitization in Europe’s Cities, Georg-Simmel Center for Metropolitan Studies, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin |
01.2020 – 12.2021 | Research Associate, Collaborative Research Centre Re-figuration of Spaces (Subproject: Geographic Imaginations: People’s Sense of Security and Insecurity in a Cross-Generational Comparison), Technische Universität, Berlin |
05.2016 – 12.2019 | Ph.D. candidate, Department of Human Geography, Goethe Universität, Frankfurt |
11.2013 – 11.2015 | Research Assistance, Research Project: Suburban identities in the global city between competition and cooperation: Toronto and Frankfurt |
08.2013 – 11.2013 | Visiting Scholar, CITY Institute, York University, Toronto |
10.2012 – 03.2015 | Master of Arts, Geographies of Globalization: Markets and Metropolises, Department of Human Geography, Goethe Universität, Frankfurt, Specialization: Urban Studies |
10.2009 – 10.2012 | Bachelor of Arts, Department of Human Geography, Goethe Universität, Frankfurt |